When you are charged with driving under the influence, you have a number of defenses you can use to avoid being convicted. One of the more difficult ones to pull off is entrapment, where you try to prove the police tricked you into driving while intoxicated just so he or she could arrest you. While the odds of successfully winning your DUI case using this defense is very low, here are two times when it may work.…
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Every day, many individuals will make the costly mistake of driving after they have had alcohol. For individuals that are able to avoid serious accidents, there is still a high chance of being pulled over and arrested for a DUI. While this is a very serious offense, being informed about what to expect and what your rights are will help you to minimize the disruptions caused by this experience while enhancing your chances of successfully defending against this charge.…
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Being arrested for a domestic violence offense, especially domestic assault, can have a lasting effect on your life. No matter what the circumstances of the arrest were, it is important to react properly and promptly. Failure to do so can cause complications with your case that will not benefit you. If you have been arrested with any type of domestic violence offense, including domestic assault, it is very important to avoid making the following major mistakes:…
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